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June 8, 2012 / JayMan

Dysgenic Fertility Among Blacks? Apparently, Yes

In the spirit of (partial) full disclosure, in my earlier post on the topic, I announced that I’m liberal. In this post, I’ll announce that I am Black. That is, at least, according to American hypodescent; I’m a mixed Black/White/Chinese second generation Jamaican-American. As such, of course I have a soft spot for the American Black community, and would like to see the best for Blacks in America (and all citizens—indeed, all people in the world). M.G. of Those Who Can See, (who has a recent post up about the problems of Black governance), left a comment to my earlier blog noting that while the Black fertility rate in America is at replacement level, she recalls that it is highly dysgenic. So to examine this, I once again turned to the GSS data.

This is the average number of children of Black Americans, ages 44-55, by WORDSUM score, from the 1990-2010 GSS data. As we can see, of the Black equivalents of the White Baby Boomers, fertility was highly dysgenic.

This chart—for more contemporary relevance, is the mean number of children of Blacks, ages 35-43, by WORDSUM score. While fertility among the current generation also appears to be highly dysgenic, this mostly occurs on the extremes of IQ, being fairly steady in the middle.

I thought that there might be a strong sex difference in fertility among Blacks by IQ, so I decided to look at the sexes separately:

Sample sizes are pretty small, but for men, it seems that the effect of IQ on fecundity is about neutral. Presumably, Black men benefit from the higher incomes that come with higher education. But for Black women, fertility appears to be highly dysgenic. A large number of intelligent Black women go without having children, as discussed by the Inductivist.

So why this gender gap? Either intelligent Black men are having children with much less intelligent Black women, as possibility indicated by the earlier chart of both sexes, or—as the stereotype suggests—intelligent Black men marry outside their race more (yup, my girlfriend is White), or both. Unfortunately, the GSS doesn’t seem to have a data point for the race of respondent’s spouse, so I’m not able to check this here.

It’s important to note that these data almost certainly underestimate the dysgenic nature of Black fertility. I doubt the GSS interviewers conduct many interviews in the poorest parts of the inner city (though I could be wrong). As well, incarceration rates are very high for Black males, presumably removing their contribution from this sample.

Overall, it is quite clear that Black fertility is highly dysgenic. While the Black population remains roughly static in number, its quality is unfortunately greatly deteriorating. For intelligent Blacks, this seems to be the norm (or even well above average):

Whereas for unintelligent Blacks, this may be more common (click photo for story):

It would seem that the methods I suggested previously for curbing the fertility of the underclass of all races are very important for Blacks. Welfare reform, as I discussed, coupled with heavy marketing/availability of Planned Parenthood seems quite prudent. It’s only too bad that there isn’t a highly effective non-surgical long-term contraceptive for men, but considering the fellow in the previously linked article, an option for voluntary sterilization for individuals who seem to sire more children than they can support might not be that politically unpalatable.

It’s also worth noting that the more intelligent Blacks are more heavily White in ancestry, as I am. Discouraging breeding among unintelligent Blacks would, over time, make Black Americans much more White in ancestry. Not that there’s anything wrong with that either way. I see no issue if the overall level of African ancestry among American Blacks were to stay the same, decrease, or increase, so long as Blacks’ average IQ increases—or at least stops decreasing. However, I’m sure some may take exception to increasing level of European ancestry among Black Americans.

I’ll leave off with this reggae song—a favorite of mine, which seems fitting.



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  1. M.G. / Jun 8 2012 5:44 PM

    Ah, bless you JayMan for looking up these numbers and putting them into chart form. This post and the Inductivist one will be my go-to sources for this data now. Mille mercis.

    or—as the stereotype suggests—intelligent Black men marry outside their race more

    I know this is the third rail of the interracial marriage question, but yes, going by the latest stats, black men in the U.S. marry outside the race much more–11%, while for black women it’s only 5%. Steve Sailer has written about this before, the very delicate question of why this is so and why the stats are exactly reversed for Asians–twice as many women as men marry out. The suggested idea is that in a racial hodgepodge like the U.S., black women are considered the ‘least feminine,’ and Asian men are considered the ‘least masculine,’ and that’s why they both lose out. In a mono-ethnic country or one constrained by segregation, this would be far less an issue. But again, multi-ethnic societies have always existed and have always had their winners and losers.

    However, I’m sure some may take exception to increasing level of European ancestry among Black Americans.

    This is also extremely delicate. Your ethnicity is your extended family (Sailer again), and for most people the idea of slowly extinguishing your family group through racial/ethnic outbreeding is horrific. (modern SWPLs excluded, they are positively giddy at the prospect of their own demise) I see a lot of ‘do-as-I-say’ among prominent Blacks who talk a good ‘I love my sistas’ game but lay their head down at night next to anyone but a black woman. There also seems a great deal of tension between ‘perpetuate the group’ and ‘improve the characteristics of the group,’ which has no easy answer.

    I foresee further divergence between a black elite which will become more and more mulatto-ized (but hopefully more fertile), and the less functional cohort which will continue to multiply as it does now, barring big welfare policy reform of the type you’ve proposed.

    • JayMan / Jun 8 2012 10:07 PM

      The suggested idea is that in a racial hodgepodge like the U.S., black women are considered the ‘least feminine,’ and Asian men are considered the ‘least masculine,’ and that’s why they both lose out.

      I see a lot of ‘do-as-I-say’ among prominent Blacks who talk a good ‘I love my sistas’ game but lay their head down at night next to anyone but a black woman.

      There is the issue of physical attractiveness, where Black women (and East Asian men) appear to be on the losing side (something that I’ve been working on for a future post).

  2. princenuadha / Jun 9 2012 2:03 AM

    ” an option for voluntary sterilization for individuals who seem to sire more children than they can support might not be that politically unpalatable.”

    The blame should be shared with those women…


    It’s cool that you talked about your heritage and some of your goals. Just out of curiosity, how come many of your other posts focused so much on europe?

    • JayMan / Jun 9 2012 9:29 AM

      ” an option for voluntary sterilization for individuals who seem to sire more children than they can support might not be that politically unpalatable.”

      The blame should be shared with those women…

      It’s not really so much assigning blame as it is getting people to (slightly) modify their behavior to achieve goals that are in everyone’s best interests. There are already good non-surgical long-term contraceptives available for women, it’d be nice if there were a few available for men, for guys like Hatchett. It’s a recognition that promoting voluntary surgical sterilization with incentives for low-IQ individuals is probably politically impossible.

      Just out of curiosity, how come many of your other posts focused so much on europe?

      As HBD Chick describes so well, I was (and still am) on a Europe kick. Expect more.

  3. Mr. Rational / Jun 10 2012 12:13 PM

    JayMan :
    It’s a recognition that promoting voluntary surgical sterilization with incentives for low-IQ individuals is probably politically impossible.

    There’s one way to find out: create a petition in a state which has a referendum process, and try to get it put on the ballot.

  4. Anthony / Jun 11 2012 6:27 PM

    You say: “It’s also worth noting that the more intelligent Blacks are more heavily White in ancestry, as I am.”

    Leaving you out of it (you’re only one datapoint among millions), is there any good evidence of this? When I think of Black political leaders, it seems that many are mulatto (about 50% white), but there are plenty who are closer to the American average of 20% white, and some who look like they’re completely lacking in pallor.

    • JayMan / Jun 11 2012 6:55 PM

      A genomic study connecting the degree of White ancestry in Blacks to IQ would be the final nail in the coffin of HBD-denialism. As far as I know, no such study exists. But do keep in mind that it isn’t necessarily clear-cut estimating the proportion of White ancestry in Black individuals by skin color.

      That said, there is some evidence for the association between the degree of White ancestry and IQ in Blacks. First is the common observation that lighter-skinned Blacks seem to do better than darker Blacks, of which we can think of several prominent examples (not the least being the President himself).

      Second, South African “Coloreds” (what Black-White hybrids there call themselves), have an average IQ of 85, intermediate between the Northern European average (100) and the sub-Saharan African one (70) (see here).

      Third, as I just confirmed by looking at the GSS, lighter-skinned Blacks do have higher average IQs, the aforementioned caveat considered. See here.

    • Afg / Nov 17 2013 8:18 AM

      More white ancestry = higher skin color (less stereotype threat), higher education, etc. But why is the black IQ variance less than the white IQ? Africans have more genetic diversity AND american blacks have a wider range of racial admixture, but whites have more socieoeconomic diversity. To see a narrower distribution of IQ in blacks suggests environment.

  5. Obsidian / Jul 17 2012 1:55 PM

    Hello JayMan,
    Just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Obsidian, and I’m considered something of a Black HBD blogger. I got wind of your blog’s existence by way of “Those Who Can See” and Half Sigma’s blog.

    I’m quite interested in the questions you’ve raised about dysgenic demographic trends in Black America, and would like very much to converse with you a bit more about it. I’ve also been reading along other posts you’ve made and have questions about your writings in that regard as well.

    Hopefully we’ll have a chance to discuss all this by and by?

    My blog is called The Obsidian Files:

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


    • eastmade / Jun 25 2013 4:13 AM

      You sound stupid [Personal attacks are not tolerated here. Do not do so again.] if a lighter skined black man does better in any country not just america, its because of his lighter skin, iq has nothing to do with it. Don’t get me wrong they don’t like giving u a job or a loan either but if they had to choose…….and don’t call yourself black and then try to discredit ur own race, either ur black or white no in between cuz trust they don’t claim u if u think they do I pray for u brotha …from anotha

    • JayMan / Jun 25 2013 9:53 AM

      if a lighter skined black man does better in any country not just america, its because of his lighter skin, iq has nothing to do with it.

      Are you sure about that?

  6. Hail / Oct 15 2012 10:15 AM

    According to Richard Lynn, as well, US-Whites have been losing (genotypic) 0.75 IQ points per generation, while US-Blacks have been losing (genotypic) 1.5 IQ points per generation, due to dysgenic breeding. This has been over the past century, at least, according to Lynn.

    See also: USA’s White Dysgenics Quantified.

  7. Antifeminist / Jun 13 2013 12:26 AM

    Fantastic article. Is there any such data from white samples?

  8. Chuck / Jul 19 2013 6:28 PM
  9. Afg / Nov 17 2013 8:13 AM

    The dysgenic trend was happening longer in the West than other cultures, so africans should have slightly higher IQ once you fix their environment (not sure about black americans). Currently, the trend is GLOBAL. I am not referring to the overall world negative correlation between IQ and fertility, since that reflects economic development. I am referring to within correlations WITHIN american, nigerian, chinese, etc communities. Any exceptions? Un-contacted tribes!

  10. infowarrior1 / Mar 7 2015 11:07 PM

    ”It’s only too bad that there isn’t a highly effective non-surgical long-term contraceptive for men, but considering the fellow in the previously linked article, an option for voluntary sterilization for individuals who seem to sire more children than they can support might not be that politically unpalatable.”

    Not anymore there is now a herbal based birth control pill invented in indonesia:

  11. Tulio / Apr 8 2015 3:52 AM

    I’m confused here. On one hand Jayman is saying that black fertility is dysgenic. On the other hand, the 15 pt IQ gap between white and black has been consistent. So if the less intelligent blacks are bringing down IQs, why isn’t the black-white IQ gap widening?

    • JayMan / Apr 13 2015 12:33 AM


      The Breeder’s equation. The loss in Black average IQ just hasn’t been that great, yet (maybe 2 points at most). The average White IQ has also been declining, to a somewhat smaller degree.

  12. Marry-Ann / Jan 6 2016 4:26 AM

    Thank you for sharing your opinion. It was a nice read.

    Scientifically, your claims are mostly unsubstantiated and as another reader here commented, hard scientific evidence needs to come from fully randomised, large-scale and complex studies (several). Just looking at one trait in a small group of people living in the same area is mostly misleading rather than informative.

    There have been quite a few studies on the subject, since such issues actually, really affect peoples judgements.
    For example, check this (really old article)
    Absence of a relationship between degree of white ancestry and intellectual skills within a black population – Springer

    And here is a more recent one:
    Heredity, environment, and race differences in IQ: A commentary on Rushton and Jensen (2005).

    And then there are also: Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (A Free Press Paperbacks Book) (9780684824291): Richard J. Herrnstein, Charles Murray:…

    I suggest this article as a really good read on the subject:
    All Brains Are the Same Color – The New York Times

    And just a quick question for all of us:
    What is your initial reaction when you see a really dark-skinned person on tv? Does it change as time passes and which way?

  13. rw95 / May 27 2016 4:13 PM

    Hi Jayman. I’ve been reading your work quite a bit recently, and it has definitely caused me to become very interested in differences between human populations. Like you, I am of mixed ancestry, white European and mixed Afro/Indo-Trinidadian. Similarly, like you I have noticed the rise of white nationalist/supremacist groups around this corner of the web lately, especially since the rise of Donald Trump. It seems that most of these groups seem to be united only around hatred of blacks (and Hispanics to an extent) more than anything else.

    If what you say here is true, however, (and I do believe that there are heavy dysgenic trends in the American black community), do you think there is any hope for American blacks, and indeed blacks worldwide, without “breeding the black away?” Is the only chance for blacks to gain intelligence to become less black and more white/Asian in admixture? Or is there a way they can improve their IQs while retaining a large part if their genetic legacy?

    • JayMan / May 27 2016 4:18 PM

      First and foremost there is no solution to uplift the relative position of Blacks that will produce noticeable results in our lifetimes. Any genetic change will simply take too long.

      That said, in principle, one could easily select for intelligence and non-criminality without selecting for those who are “less Black”. It would take many generations but it’s quite possible.

      Then of course there is the future potential for embryo screening and the like. That too will take a long time to produce results.

    • rw95 / May 27 2016 7:21 PM

      Likewise, what are you predicting in regards to the future of Africa and black America? Will the majority of sub-saharan Africa be colonized once again, either by China or another world power? Or are we looking at a mass genocide if current migration trends continue?

      Meanwhile, in America are you predicting mass ethnic cleansing or perhaps the return of segregation/Jim Crow?

    • JayMan / May 27 2016 7:22 PM

      Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.

  14. rw95 / May 27 2016 9:13 PM

    Last question. You mentioned that the average IQ among the white population is decreasing as well. Is this because of larger-scale race-mixing and the “Brazilification” of America so expounded by white nationalists, or is it due to similar dysgenic trends among American whites?

    • JayMan / May 27 2016 9:16 PM

      It may have stalled in the U.S. and appears to be rising in Scandinavia. The reason for any decrease is dysgenic fertility. In the U.S., race mixing can’t lead White IQ to decrease thanks to hypodescent; mixed race children aren’t considered “White” here. White nationalists are generally full of shit.

  15. Anonymous / Jun 8 2016 6:13 PM

    Are there any studies as to the average American black IQ before Great Society welfare came into play? Has the average IQ of American blacks noticeably declined over the decades, or has it always been 85 more or less consistently?

    • JayMan / Jun 8 2016 6:39 PM

      Actually, the Black-White gap was larger in the past.

    • Anonymous / Jun 8 2016 6:59 PM

      So is the average IQ of American blacks higher now than it has ever been in American history?

    • JayMan / Jun 8 2016 7:00 PM

      Apparently. Who knows why that is? It could be various forms of testing error.

  16. Anonymous / Jun 8 2016 7:05 PM

    I realize you’re probably getting tired of my constant questions, but there are just so many. I don’t know what you think about Thomas Sowell, but in his book Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality, he states that the economic position of American blacks was improving significantly in the two decades or so before affirmative action and Great Society style welfare. Could this have been a sign of positive black IQ trends that have since been undone since the implementation of the welfare state, or is it more complicated than that?

    • JayMan / Jun 8 2016 7:06 PM

      Well Black fertility has been highly dysgenic in America, but I doubt it’s made much of a noticeable difference in the Black population, yet (such takes many generations).

    • Anonymous / Jun 8 2016 7:10 PM

      How could it possibly get worse than it is now?

    • JayMan / Jun 8 2016 7:11 PM

      Things can always get worse.

  17. coy redic / Apr 8 2019 7:52 AM

    Utter garbage. You claim being mixed makes you more intelligent? Are you serious? As you mentioned the high incarceration rates affect the overall scores. Also which you failed to mention is the white supremacy effect. Generations of blacks denied adequate education . Slavery, jim crow, segregation, mass incarceration, sterilization. You are not taking these things into consideration. If one set or group of people have a five hundred year head start, is promoted and elevated while another group is intentionally held back from learning, what do you think would happen generations down the line. I said it before and I will say it again, the whole IQ testing is unfair . It is supposedly based on actual intelligence and not academic accomplishment. I suggest the difference is because of dysengenic breeding caused by the earlier generations intentionally kept dumb. The whole notion of the white race being more intelligent then so called minorities is white supremacy in action. A flawed test that will one day be debunked just like the ridiculous bell curve

    • JayMan / Apr 8 2019 8:25 AM

      Asian and Jewish migrants to the Americas were often very poor and faced terrible discrimination. Their descendants aren’t bothered.

      Heck, Japan was nuked. How are they doing today?

      Mentioning Japan, many East Asian nations endured (under Japanese colonialism) conditions far more brutal than countries colonized by Europeans. They don’t seem bothered today (North Korea notwithstanding).

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