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August 25, 2013 / JayMan

An Ironic Segue

This was on this evening’s NBC Nightly News broadcast. I’ve snipped an interesting series of three stories (the preceding stories were about the western wildfires and the impending U.S. involvement in the civil war is Syria – which is an asinine idea, by the way).

Yup, you saw it. They followed the horrible story of the beating death of the (White) World War II veteran Delbert Belton by Black hoodlums with a story about the ongoing Black quest for Civil Rights, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s March on Washington. This is the essence of irony, to say the least (or perhaps just highly unfortunate timing). The bit even contains a Black man claiming that he’s dreaming of a world where 16 year-olds can walk home from the store without getting killed… :\

Even the fact that the news broadcast was anchored by Lester Holt adds to the irony. Holt – as an accomplished Black man – serves as a visible reminder of the full range of “diversity” that exists among Blacks, and of the contrast between himself and not so accomplished Black men, such as the killers.

And, interestingly, the third story talks about Gary, Indiana – a Chicago suburb which is 85% Black, much like another U.S. city. And with that other city, Gary shares in many of the same problems. However, like some other Black-dominated areas, Gary may be taking steps towards improvement.

The incredible irony here – which I’m sure will rile up more than a few of you – may be something. But truth be told, the movement that gives us this modern push for Black civil rights may be a good thing. It serves as a counter balance to other forces within country that would serve to push things to bad places. To put it in terms of my series on the American nations, I wouldn’t be surprised that if the Dixie nations (i.e., the Tidewater, the Deep South, and Greater Appalachia) were left to their own devices, they’d in short order re-institute Jim Crow or something similar.

Tidewater Flag15430_flags_confederate_flagNASCARcheckered

Of course, I don’t have to tell you that the Cavalier and Borderlander sentiment is still alive and well (the latter of which gave us the KKK – albeit for semi-defensive reasons – in response to the encroachment of freed Blacks into Appalachia – see Those Who Can See). But in case there’s any doubt:

As well, as further evidence of the lasting divisions between the American nations, see these two maps:

us_1860_slv_041001_400 Red_state,_blue_state.svg

The second map is that of the overall direction each state voted in the last four presidential elections (ranging from 4 out of 4 times, to 3 out of 4 times, to 2 times for each party), from Wikipedia.

The historic division between the “Northern Alliance” (Yankeedom/Greater New England, the Midlands, and the Left Coast) and the Dixie coalition (the Tidewater, the Deep South, Greater Appalachia, and much of the Far West) remains.

But in reality, I don’t think these recent murders will change much. The Belton and Lane killings have gotten attention, but they’ll likely fall down the memory hole, I suspect. I don’t think that they will bring about a “new era” of race realism as some in the blogosphere have claimed (or hope). And that’s likely a good thing; it’s better that HBD doesn’t go mainstream that way, I think. More likely – and perhaps better – is if the power of genetics becomes evident through the availability of embryo screening technology. (Of course, this is assuming that scientists manage to pin down genes for desirable traits; we don’t seem to be making all that much progress so far.) However, it’s possible that we might just have to wait for knowledge of HBD to become accepted in polite society, and for the demographic problems that we face to be recognized and tackled. Unless…

Also see Steve Sailer, Celebrating Martin Luther King and How rare is crime?


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  1. Amber / Aug 25 2013 7:31 AM

    People don’t need embryo screening to select for desirable traits, they just need to show some discretion in picking romantic partners.

    • JayMan / Aug 25 2013 1:40 PM


      Well, there’s only so much you can do there if your own genetic pool is limited. As Razib Khan points out, people who didn’t do so well on the genetic lottery have the most to gain from personal eugenics. Since assortative mating is a thing (and should be), the average dullard’s best hope is a mate as bright as himself. The ability to improve the progeny of those in the bottom 90% of the gene pool will go a long way towards improving society, even if the behavior of those on the high end remained completely unchanged.

  2. Staffan / Aug 25 2013 11:20 AM

    I think HBD is getting more attention and will so even more in the future. The other analysts, like Maher, have no ideas. His idea of analysis is pointing the finger at (White) people with two digit IQs. (Although in his defence, at least he has understood that Islam isn’t like other religions.)

  3. Gloria / Aug 25 2013 1:35 PM

    These cases in themselves won’t change the attitude of the MSM, who have the fanaticism of true believers. However as liberal baby boomers die off, and as white liberals of childbearing age continually fail to reproduce themselves, black race hustlers will face an almost uniformly negative reaction from almost everyone who is not black when they try to inflate the next shady incident into the new Emmet Till. We can only hope that no leader who is the equivalent to Al Sharpton emerges to advocate for white, working class murder victims.

    • JayMan / Aug 25 2013 1:55 PM


      Indeed. Which may not necessarily be a good thing (see Dystopian Conservative Future?).

      I don’t hide too much that I have a vested personal interest in making sure that the White population here stays pretty damned liberal.

      There’s a reason I live deep in Yankeedom…

  4. Michael / Aug 25 2013 3:09 PM

    And that’s likely a good thing; it’s better that HBD doesn’t go mainstream that way, I think.

    There is a genetic conflict of interest here, no?

    You seem to believe that you have a genetic self-interest in living amongst whites, and you say that you support suppressing freedom of association for whites and other methods for advancing your perceived genetic self-interest. These methods apparently include suppressing knowledge of HBD among whites, suppressing certain facts and implications of HBD among whites, using political power and violence to coerce whites, etc.

    Doesn’t this genetic conflict of interest cast doubts on your objectivity on HBD and scientific issues?

    Also, since you support denying freedom of association and support various methods to do so, ranging from intellectual manipulation to political force, doesn’t that mean that it’s entirely appropriate for people to not regard you as an individual that can be dealt and negotiated with in good faith, but something more akin to a force of nature that can ultimately only be dealt with force in kind? That is, you’re essentially like a genetic program that’s programmed to seek out white populations to live among and to use any means necessary to do so. You’re not like, say, a genetic program that’s programmed to seek consent of other genetic programs in the environment. With the latter genetic program, other genetic programs can negotiate, consent, assent, reject, deny, etc. With the former genetic program, other genetic programs can only use force to deal with it.

    • JayMan / Aug 25 2013 3:33 PM


      Doesn’t this genetic conflict of interest cast doubts on your objectivity on HBD and scientific issues?

      You know, starting off with an ad hominem is never a good way to score points around here.

      You seem to believe that you have a genetic self-interest in living amongst whites, and you say that you support suppressing freedom of association for whites and other methods for advancing your perceived genetic self-interest. These methods apparently include suppressing knowledge of HBD among whites, suppressing certain facts and implications of HBD among whites, using political power and violence to coerce whites, etc.

      Critical commenters are good and healthy. Delusional critical commenters, on the other hand, are mostly just entertainment.

      Take a fucking look around, buddy. Do I look like someone who’s trying to suppress knowledge of HBD?

      Also, since you support denying freedom of association and support various methods to do so, ranging from intellectual manipulation to political force, doesn’t that mean that it’s entirely appropriate for people to not regard you as an individual that can be dealt and negotiated with in good faith, but something more akin to a force of nature that can ultimately only be dealt with force in kind?

      Well, we know what we can regard you as. Let’s see what else.

      That is, you’re essentially like a genetic program that’s programmed to seek out white populations to live among and to use any means necessary to do so. You’re not like, say, a genetic program that’s programmed to seek consent of other genetic programs in the environment.

      That’s because I live here completely without the Mainers’ acceptance.

      With the former genetic program, other genetic programs can only use force to deal with it.


      Jesus dude…

  5. Messi / Aug 25 2013 7:44 PM

    How do you feel about race-realism in Europe of Asia?

  6. whiskeysplace / Aug 26 2013 8:51 PM

    I would disagree. Both on the origins of the Klan (it depends WHICH Klan we are talking about, version 1.0 or 2.0) and HBD.

    Re the Klan, the first was a cynical ploy by founder Nathan Bedford Forrest to retain the considerable personal power the former mule driver and slave auctioneer found as a battlefield Civil War Confederate General. Active mostly in Mississippi and Alabama, the cynical nature of it can be found when Forrest disbanded it to raise capital from Northern interests for various commercial endeavors. That was the Klan 1.0.

    Klan 2.0 is probably best described by the book “Notre Dame vs. the Klan” which traces the growth of the second wave of the Klan in the Upper Tier of the Midwest, straight in the heart of Yankeedom. In places like Illinois, Land of Lincoln, and Indiana. Aimed as much at the burgeoning Catholic White population as Blacks, both of whom were pushing out to a large degree the old-line Methodist Yankee population, with mass immigration from Catholic countries such as Poland, Italy, Ireland, and Catholic Germany, along with the WWI era Great Migration by Blacks out of the South; Klan 2.0 was led by and consisted mainly of Yankees in the Midwest. Culminating in of course the famous driving out of the Klan by outraged Notre Dame fans, students, and football players in South Bend in the mid 1920’s.

    As for HBD, I will put up another response for length reasons why I think direct and negative assessments of Blacks is coming like a tidal wave upon most Whites.

  7. whiskeysplace / Aug 26 2013 9:12 PM

    The reason I think HBD is coming is because separation between races is no longer possible and indeed, is being pushed first by massive demographic changes, i.e. mass immigration on a scale never seen before in human history by the Mestizo underclass of Mexico pushing out previously stable Black ghetto dysfunctional pockets into White areas, and the inherent contradiction between idealized TV/media figures of Blacks (bourgeois, middle class, nuclear family, intelligent, non-aggressive) and the absolute guarantee of increased Black murders of Whites due to collapsing defacto segregation and the guaranteed (as Vox Day put it) retaliation by “the wrong” victims family.

    Certainly if every White person’s family was like Amy Biehl’s (her mother was featured on the front page of today’s OC Register, which I get, noting the 25th anniversary of her murder, arms linked with one of the smirking killers of her daughter), no retaliation would ever happen. Human nature and the illegitimacy of the State and Nation guarantee however that a non-Upper Class White will be one of the survivors, be so angry and grief stricken, that an OJ-like not guilty verdict will create retaliation and push the Mickey Kausian “undernews” (the contradiction between the media lies and the known truth on the internet) to Soviet era levels of distaste for the government and its press organs.

    As part of Agenda 21, and the natural outcome of the Civil Rights movement, HUD is planning to Section 8 every non-elite neighborhood, in essence, to make it properly “diverse” and “vibrant.” Add to this the very real ethnic cleansing of historic Black neighborhoods (themselve the result of ethnic cleansing of Whites who used to live there, for example South Central LA which was White in the 1920s and early 1930s, then Black and now almost entirely Mexican) you have masses of ghetto Blacks who on a good day resemble Rachel Jenteal, and on a bad one say Tyrone Woodfork or the killers of Shorty Benton, moving into White middle class neighborhoods. Often with the aid of Section 8 housing (again).

    In addition, there is a political dimension. Most ghetto Blacks, who grow up in a face/warrior culture, where manhood is defined by body count, feel “Obama has their back” and so does Eric Holder. Moreover pushing the Trayvon Martin story has riled them up for retaliation. Interestingly the internet has copied the social media profile (Facebook and Twitter) of the killers of Chris Lane and Benton, in both cases the killers expressed anti-White hatred and the desire to kill Whites in revenge for Trayvon Martin. Classic over-reach, on the order of invading Russia (Winter? What winter?) is at hand. Black people in the Americas (and elsewhere) have a habit of going the Full Nat Turner, bloody killings of random Whites in the most brutal way possible to intimidate and gain power. Eventually this produces a reaction by higher IQ Whites that is even more bloody, because it is systematically organized with better and more effective killing technology. The media, the President, various race hustlers like Sharpton have for their own cynical purposes pushed the Trayvon story and more and more murders of Whites who had nothing to do with it is guaranteed to result.

    The story won’t end with the murders of Benton and Lane. It will be piled up with next week, another murder of an innocent White. Which the internet will use to undermine the media’s Pravda statements and propaganda. And the week after that, another murder. And then another, and another, and another. Until finally you have a survivor who is a lone White male, grief stricken, angry, and lost confidence in both the elites and the lies in the media and the government. That is pretty much guaranteed to have a full Death Wish or Frank Castle moment. We’ve had it before: the Regulators, the Committees of Vigilance in San Francisco (and Texas). Not even Sherman wanted to tangle with the San Francisco Vigilance Committees.

    To argue the reverse, I think you’d have to guarantee: 1. There will be no further egregious murders of innocent White people like jogging baseball players or WWII vets. [Fat chance, Black people are addicted to violence, for sexual marketplace and past success in ethnically cleansing and intimidating Whites.] 2. Whites will continue to trust and obey their “betters” i.e. the elites in the media and government. 3. No survivor of any White victim will act any different than Amy Biehl’s mother. I think that is a poor bet on all three counts but your mileage may vary.

  8. FirstGaySatanist / Aug 27 2013 4:25 AM

    Two points:

    I’m not the mosr knowledgable on HBD or race realism in general, but I am very frightened that the Left’s insistence on utopian fantasy could be setting us up for a calamity on an unprecedented scale. I wonder how man anti-apartheid Afrikaaners are left in S.A.

    I’m also not too worried about Mestizo threat. Maybe I’m wrong, but as a Deep South native I can see mestizos and white proles actually forming a consensus after the dust settles, and that could get really bad, ie point 1.

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